Thank you for all the feedback from yesterday's email on lead generation. It was great stuff, and some of you must have been looking at today's email. In the first two classes, we are going to cover lead generation strategies and how to create effective pieces that grabs the attention of your prospects so that they are begging to buy from you.
One of the emails I received about yesterday's piece on lead generation was talking about the power of attraction marketing. Attraction marketing is a very powerful component of any marketing program, but it typically is used as a lead conversion or follow-up strategy.
In other words, you will use attraction marketing once you have a lead NOT to generate leads. A very powerful tool that every business should have is a program called Send Out Cards. This amazing tool allows you to send out custom greetings cards, postcards, and brochures (3 panel cards) all from your computer in your own handwriting. Check it out here, and you can even send out a couple of cards for free.
This is only one tool of an effective attraction or follow-up strategy. I'd like to give you 17 follow-up strategies you can implement in your business today.
1. Send Birthday Letters (Send Out Cards can do this for you automatically)
12. Educate Your Customers
13. Ask Your Customers For Feedback On Your Performance
17. Implementing The Ideas
These ideas can increase your lead conversion dramatically. In our new coaching program, Get Results and Profits NOW, we will cover lead conversion strategies in detail with you in class 4. You won't want to miss this class. I want you to have them now, and in the fourth class we will show you how to create an automated lead conversion strategy.
Here is a summary of the six classes:
Class 1 - Lead Generation Strategies
Class 2 - Creating Lead Generation Pieces
Class 3 - Word of Mouth Marketing/Referrals - Referrals, Using Testimonials, and Networking.
Class 4 - Lead Conversion Strategies
Class 5 - Identifying your most probable client/market
Class 6 - Systems and Operations Mastery
Please check out all the details of the Get Results and Profits NOW. I have made sure that this 6 week workshop will give you the tools to profit immediately even in today's economy at a very affordable price. This workshop is priced so that if you need to get better results in your business NOW, it will be impossible for you not to snatch up one of only 20 spots available.
We are limiting each class to only 10 participants so that the classes will be highly interactive. We are offering only two classes starting on September 15th. We will also record each class so you can listen to it over and over again or catch up if you had to miss one.
To your continued profits,
Jesus Balderas
The Coach